Story goes, the idea of the Kreelex Minnow came to Chuck one night in a dream. When he woke up he rushed directly to his vise to begin to tie the pattern before he forgot what he dreamt about.
This all happened prior to a guided trip down to Chile. Chuck brought the newly developed pattern down there with him and quickly destroyed the few flies he had due to the trout’s voracious takes on the new, highly attractive fly. With no materials available they found the next best thing, potato chip bags. They cut up the foil bags into thin strips to try to immolate the material used for the Kreelex but found no success in replicating the pattern. The next trip down south Chuck made sure he had plenty of the fly to get him through the stay.
Before the Kreelex got its name, Chuck was calling it the Rolex Minnow due to the fly’s flashy shine much like a Rolex watch. On a Trip a client told Chuck that Rolex would be quick to sue over the choice of name so “Kreelex” was born after the original material used, Kreinik Flash.
The Kreelex Minnow is a deadly pattern from trout to bass, to redfish and more. Tied on a 3 or 4x long streamer hook with Dazl-eyes and two colors of kreinik flash this streamer will be a great addition to any box from the swamps to the streams.
- Species: Bass, Trout
- Size: 2, 4, 6