Slow-sink Lures-OutCast Lures Danny

Color Yellow/White Bunker Wonder Bread Pink/White Jersey Killer
Size 3 oz

The erratic motion of this classic swimming plug is irresistible to predator fish. Replicating the last gasps of a wounded baitfish, Dannys have been fooling giant stripped bass since the days of wooden rods and linen line. Updated with our unique color patterns and high end terminal hardware, our OutCast Danny will not only reach the fish beyond your competitors, it will out fish them too.

And now, it is available in our proprietary MagNeat rigging. We’ve fitted just the right amount of magnetic materials to the belly area to grab hold of the hooks during casting, making for far fewer tangles. Getting your plug to the fish, ready for action. With MagNeat, you’ll be ready in the strike zone more often.