Big Game Lures-9" Moke Series: Ice Blue

Style Bullet: Skirted Bullet: Head Only Invert: Skirted Invert: Head Only

This video will show you the color changing aspects of this lure that photos cannot capture! 

Blue/Salmon and Ice Blue.. two colors you can count on.  
One morning a few years back we were running to the Ahi grounds when I seen a boat stopped and fighting a fish. He was a couple miles short of the known area but I figured he was close enough and we might as well set up.
Headed up sea I was looking through the binos to see if he was fighting an Ahi when kaboom our rigger slammed down. The fish pulled some line and came off. 
We reset the lure and turn down sea to make a good pass through the area and that when all hell broke loose. Kaboom again went the blue/salmon Moke bullet on the rigger. We get that fish in the boat and only get the two riggers up before Kaboom goes the Milky Moke bullet. Now we got two gorilla size Ahi on deck.   
We throw two lines out and idle ahead down sea as we start taking care of the two we have. We are going 3 knots tops when the corner pole with the ice blue Moke invert lurches over and starts screaming. Another 200 plus pound Ahi leaving us 3 Ahi over 200 pounds in less then an hour. 
The first fish picture is from this day and the Ahis weighed 226 lbs, 231 lbs, and 242 lbs.  

The 9" Moke Bullet: Experience the thrill of catching your first Ahi or the victory of your personal biggest with our flagship lure the Moke Bullet.

Winner of the largest overall ahi in the 2010 Ahi Fever Tournament and 2nd largest overall ahi in the 2014 Ahi Fever Tournament. All through the Hawaiian islands, Mexico, Okinawa and as far as Australia this lure has proven itself to be one of the greats when targeting plus size tuna.  

This lure will run just below the surface then come up to skitter a long top like a fleeing flying fish. Easy to pull from any position, this one will take its share of all species and works well on big tuna. 

 Total length: 10"  Weight: 6.6 oz  

The 9" Moke invert is quickly becoming a favorite partner to the Moke bullet. A good medium high to high speed lure. A straight runner that pop, dives and smokes. It makes a easy target and runs well from all positions. Try one on the opposite side of your Moke bullet for a great one, two punch. 

Head length: 2.5", Head weight: 6oz.  Total length: 10 inches.

** We cannot guarantee 100% availability of the skirts pictured at the time of your order. In the event we are out of stock of the skirt in the picture, we will make every effort to match it with an identical color of another brand or similar color and style.