Ultimate high response swim.
It is also possible to retrieve at low speed while vibrating. The swimming posture is more horizontal than other vibrations, and it is close to the actual bait swimming posture, which has the advantage of not giving a sense of discomfort to the target.
"Always" the best flight distance in its class
There are many vibrations to fly, but it is meaningless unless you can fly constantly. For example, if the first throw flies to an odd place even once every two times, it will also scatter the fish. The slice is designed to keep the flight attitude from standing up and to keep a constant and comfortable throw.
Unprecedented number of bytes of "straight fall"
Since the slice falls while maintaining a constant angle, the phenomenon that the hook and the leader get entangled is less likely to occur, and the number of bytes during the fall also increases significantly.
- ~ 100 cm or more
- ~ 40 in or more