Outdoor Fishing Rods-Fitzgerald Aquafin Inshore Series Spinning Rods
Size7'0" Medium7'0" Medium Heavy7'6" Medium Light7'6" Medium7'6" Medium Heavy7'6" Heavy7'6" Extra Heavy7'11" Extra Heavy7'0" Medium Light
The AquaFin Series by Fitzgerald Fishing is designed to handle all of your inshore and nearshore saltwater needs. Designed with a high-end proprietary rod blank that is fast action to help achieve longer casts, more sensitivity, and more power to fight and land the fish. Made with saltwater grade American Tackle 316 stainless steel guides that are great for braid, fluorocarbon, and monofilament fishing line. If you're looking to take your inshore fishing to the next level, buy this rod you wont regret it!