Multi-purpose Fishing Reels-Fin-Nor Bait Teaser FS 60

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The Bait Teaser FS is a special reel that comes with a separate finely adjustable Free-Spool drag system on the rear of the reel. This lighter drag setting does from free to three pounds, and when having a run, simply flip the lever or turn the handle and you will engage the main drag so you can fight the fish!

Rigid reinforced graphite body and rotor
Aluminium side cover for superior gear support
Multi-stack Megadrag with carbon fibre washers
MegaLock anti-reverse
Dual Drag Free-spool system with adjustable resistance
5 stainless steel bearings

Reel Size - 60
Drag Type - Front Drag
Gear Ratio - 4.9:1
Bearing Count - 5
Max Drag lb - 24lb|10.9kg
Packaging - Box
Mono Capacity yd/lb - 270/12 240/14
Mono Capacity m/mm - 280/0.30 145
Reel Handle Position - Right/Left
Colour - Black Silver
Anti-Reverse Feature - Instant Anti-Reverse
Pre-Spooled yd/lb - Not Pre-Spooled
Retrieve Rate - 84cm
Drag Material - Carbon
Reel Spool Material - Aluminium
Spare Spool Material - No Spare Spool
Braid Capacity yd/lb - 260/30 225/50