Patterned after the success of my little 'ballyhoo' Sirens, these flashy, fishy, natural bullets have a long slim profile with plenty of keel weight to make them run right. And you get the benefit of real shell flake, and a baitfish skirt combo that's irresistible to predators. Designed by me and a brilliant (yes I'm biased, he's my friend) fisherman from Hawai'i, I am confident that these belong in any spread on any ocean.
With a long, slim profile, these heavy bullets emulate a different set of baitfish than anything else in your spread. The 7" saddle puts them in the class of light tackle, emulating the hatch. But with a 3" long cylinder full of genuine hell around lead weight, you get a heavy, stable bullet.
Nature does a better job with texture and contrast than humans do, so we use the real deal in Furies with varying colors and shades of shell and semi-precious stones. The jagged edges and textures give an appearance unlike any other lure.
Keel weighted, with our trademark oval saddles, the Furies are destined to become a favorite in your marlin spread.
These sleek and sexy lures perform beautifully in rough seas and won't skip at higher speeds, giving you an edge over a standard 7" bullet when you need it. Run them on the long corner, riggers or shotgun. We recommend 150 - 200lb leader.