Foam Flies-Bead Head FlashBack Copper John- RED

Choose Size 3 Pack #10 3 Pack #12 3 Pack #14 3 Pack #16 3 Pack #18 6 Pack #10 6 Pack #12 6 Pack #14 6 Pack #16 6 Pack #18 Mixed Dozen (12) - Mix of all sizes

Bead Head Flash Back Copper John Nymphs - These are excellent fish catching nymphs that get down fast. These are offered in Red which is the most popular and in 5 different sizes #10 to #18

These are excellent Quality commercially tied fishing flies. Baxter House guides use these all the time in their nymph rigs. Most often we include copper johns in out multi nymph rigs and adjust the sizes to get the rig to the depth we are looking to fish. These are sold in multiples of three flies of the same size and color.

All of Baxter House fly patterns are top quality ties. You can expect our flies to be professionally tied and above the standards of the cheap imports that are being sold online everywhere. Many of our patterns are of our own design. Developed either by Ken Tutalo or the guides that work here. Most all of our Species Specific fly patterns are tied locally through our network of professional Fly Tyers.