Paddle Tail Lures-Advance Tackle Michigan Stinger Standard Spoon - UV

Color Bite Me Trans UV Black Tux UV Blue Dolphin UV Blue Jeans UV Blue Magic UV Blue Tux UV Boy Girl UV Razberry Caddy Shack UV Can't Afford UV Chart Pooh UV Chicken Wing UV - Copper Chicken Wing UV - Silver Confused UV DieHard UV Dolphin UV Eerie UV Fat Nancy CI UV Flo Nascar Trans UV Flo Ncar Tran UV Frost Byte UV Frostbyte Green UV Gator UV Grape Ape UV Green Alewife UV Green Dolphin UV Green Jeans UV Green Slush UV Green Tux UV Helmut UV - Silver Inmate Orange UV Jager Bomb UV Jagerbomb Crushed UV Jagerbomb UV Jelly Belly UV KC1-2 UV Lances 2 Face UV Lorin Frog UV Melon UV Naked Jordo UV NBK UV Orange Edge Bl UV Orange Tux UV Perch UV Pickle Seed UV Pink Flash UV Pinkie UV Purple Clown UV Purple Perch UV Purple Pooh UV Purple Tux UV Rasp UV Red Hot Trans UV Salmon Viagra UV Sea Sick Wad UV Sil Smooth Veggie UV Sir Walleye Trans UV Veggie UV Watermelon UV Yellow Jeans UV Yellow Tux UV
Michigan Stinger Standard Spoons have been redesigned with new colors, including new UV colors for high visibility in deep and dark waters. These spoons feature a thin, slightly curved design to give them a fish attracting flutter action. Stinger Standard Spoons were originally designed for Walleye, but they have gained tremendous popularity with the Trout and Salmon anglers. These spoons are proven effective in the spring for Browns and Coho off planer boards, as a slider off downriggers, or any time small baitfish are encountered. These spoons are great for freshwater trolling applications, as well as for casting or jigging. Size: 3-3/4" x 3/4".Michigan Stinger Standard Spoons have been redesigned with new colors, including new UV colors for high visibility in deep and dark waters.