Dry Fly for Salmon-Baxter House Hackle Wing Mayfly Cripple

Choose Species Hendrickson March Brown Cahill Blue Quill Green Drake Isonychia Blue Wing Olive #14 Blue Wing Olive #16 Blue Wing Olive #18 Sulfur #14 Sulfur #16 Sulfur #18

Baxter House Hackle Wing Cripples - This is one of our guides go to patterns. These particular flies  were developed by Ken Tutalo and fit the category of true "guide Flies" . This pattern excels during heavy hatches and the trout are cherry picking the cripples and still born insects. The Larger Isonychia, March Brown and Green Drake are also excellent patterns for blind fishing the riffles and pocket water.

Offered in the following Species specific patterns,

Blue Quill, Hendrickson, March Brown, Isonychia, Green Drake, Cahill, Sulfur, Blue Wing Olive

All of Baxter House fly patterns are top quality ties. You can expect our flies to be professionally tied and above the standards of the cheap imports that are being sold online everywhere. Many of our patterns are of our own design. Developed either by Ken Tutalo or the guides that work here. Most all of our Species Specific fly patterns are tied locally through our network of professional Fly Tyers.